What exactly does that mean to you? It means these hard money lenders Texas provide you hard money regardless of your credit, job history or income, as long as they can see upon evaluation of the property that you will make a profit doing a fix and flip. So does your credit score matter? Yes, it can help you to get a better interest rate, but it won’t be used to determine whether you qualify for a loan. If you need 100% financing so you can get started with no money out of pocket, you may even be able to find a hard money lender in Texas who can help. Some have developed programs that give you access to additional financing options on top of hard money, that can make it possible for you to break into real estate investing with no money of your own.
Texas hard money loans are a fantastic option for those looking to break into the real estate investment market. With short terms, interest only payments, and a loan that is backed by equity vs. credit, they can be the perfect option for many investors. Contact us at Level 4 Funding today to find out all of your Texas hard money options!
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